Friday, 29 July 2011

Tips to develop confidence

Tips to develop confidence in you;
We make mistakes often and it is natural.. Even if your physical appearance or social skills are not what you wish they were, it should not stop you from being confident
·         Focus on your features to help distract you from those parts of yourself that you think are flawed. Do you always stay calm, cool and collected, even in hurried situations?
·         Think of the qualities that your  Role model displays, whether physical, emotional, moral, or spiritual. Work towards acquiring them.
·         Try not to focus negatively on what others think of you. Instead, focus more on what they think of themselves, and try to help them become happier and more confident.
·         Accept complement gracefully  Take it to heart and respond positively 
·         When you feel right about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people.
·         People will judge you all the time, and usually  they may  misjudge you, so why bother trying to cater to their opinions ?
·         Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Don't abuse your body, don't overload it, and don't deny it any of the things it needs.
·         Confidence comes from within. Take the time to reflect on your life and do some emotional maintenance. In order to be confident, you must value yourself and understand that your well-being is important.
·         Having good posture can actually make you feel more confident. Don't slouch or slump your shoulders. Make sure that your back is straight, your shoulders are square, and your chest is puffed out slightly Good posture also helps with deep breathing, which helps with feeling calm and relaxed.
·         Don't compare yourself with other people.
·         Listen to your inner monologue—your inner voice. In situations where you believe you lack confidence, realize that your inner voice is telling you negative things. You need to retrain that inner voice to be positive in those situations.
·         Speak positively at all times..
·         Slow down all of your movements including your walking speed. Quick movements and actions are the product of someone who is nervous and not in control.
·         Write down a detailed, thought-out list of values which are important to you
·         Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence.
·         Do something for yourself. Dye your hair, get that new look, have a treat that you enjoy, go on holiday....whatever you do, do it for yourself, do not worry what anyone else thinks about it.
·         Be yourself don't be afraid to ask questions!!!
·         When you look in the mirror don't look for flaws, instead smile and tell yourself you look pretty today.

·         Listen to an inspirational, or happy song. One that makes you feel good,
·          Above all if God can be with you guiding your footsteps with extreme care you are definitely a success--  nobody or nothing can stop you .
Tall upright Pine tree@kodaikanal-Tamilnadu

 NB: I stumbled upon this and thought I can share it with you.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Value has a Value only if its Value is valued

Value has a Value only if its
   Value is valued
   Many times in our lives, we are dropped, rejected, shunned crumpled, thrown round into the dirt by the decisions we made and the circumstances that come on our way. 
We feel there is some sort of emptiness, as though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
You are special, don’t ever forget it!
Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams.
In today’s scenario, human values are  thrown away and actually discarded. There is an urgent need to inculcate value in the young minds. 
Lay down the strategies and principles to lead a good life, no matter how hard we are hit the success ladder with falls and failures, we can stand on a firm ground with value of life which makes the world a better place to live.
            Everybody now seeks values in life .It is a vanishing factor now.
  • How to preserve the value?

      Start right from home - then move slowly on  to schooling to higher education.
Education is mere stuffing of facts and now a days is synonymous with
  • Examination
  • Employment
  • Empowerment

                           and not stands for
  • Emancipation
  • Ennoblement
  • Evolution

We, human beings are different from animals because we can think and act, if you do not think or your think -tank is empty we are animals, who do not necessarily think.

Understanding the Value of Values
                                 Our values help determine our tastes, way of life, entertainment, and social, political and religious interactions.
  Discover your Core Values…

Everyone of us has our own set of core values that's are unique .
These core values determine what is really important to you as an individual.
  • Understand the Value of Values

Many of the people have interacted that  their values are the grave  proble, because they are aware that something is wrong or missing in their life, but they do not know what.
Often it happens because they are unclear on what their core values are and what is most important to them. 
Our values help determine our tastes, way of life, entertainment, and social, political and religious interactions. We hold many values, which are liable to change as we grow and reach different stages of life.
Many people in their find their core values have been suppressed, compromised or ignored completely when they travel in life different stages.
 For some people, a conflict arises within because rather than living a life according to their own core values, they are trying to live according to the values of  others due to compulsion or compromise or mere force-  even may be male chauvinism –in the  work place , a religious  notion or political idea  or for their  friends, colleagues or life  partner.
The values adopted survives and our own value are at stake –our own values are being left unfulfilled.
  • What is  the  Value of Knowing your Values?. 
  • Invest time and energy to get clear idea on  your values and life purpose,
  •  define and communicate what you really want from your life, and
  • then let your values govern your decisions,

          now you will live a fulfilling second half of life.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Love yourself and be Great

Be your self as God created you in a unique way and enjoy life as you are...
 It may be or  you do not have  the  wealth,  the health ,the size, the figure, the complexion  etc
you long to have.....
BUT  what does it matter?
 There is no reason to worry, condemn or hate yourself.
 learn to know that every cloud has a silver lining.
 you still can  be a good person
                         a useful person
                         a lovable person
                         a respectable person
If you want to be happy and successful and to do something good  ---
Try to accept yourself and love yourself
Do not try to live somebody's life, it simply cannot be YOU 
                look at the brighter side
                consider the positive aspects.
If you cannot see the bright side,
        then the only reasonable thing to do is to polish the dull side.
Remember you are the most beautiful creation of the God Almighty.
Have a Great feel.....Relax......  Change the Course of life.
Ghat Road  -Kodaikanal--Tamilnadu

Saturday, 9 July 2011

what is in your mind?

What does occupy your mind mostly?-- 
       your problem,or- work -bank balance- ill feelings- disturbances? anything else.
                  when this world takes you high.... ease your mind.Listen to Gods Words                
 Prayer is the balm to mind  .it simply removes all pain .   
                 A prayerless mind is a misfiring engine. 
As a saying goes......
                         'A good head is better than hundred strong hands'.
A clear teaching is prescribed in the Holy Bible" 
'Train your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it".
                                 youth is a mirror of society 
                              society is in turn the mirror, 
                     in which young people look to find their way
                                     with trained Mind

Thursday, 7 July 2011

How to train the mind?

Norman Vincent Peale quotes" The greatest  discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind"
 How to train the mind?  
 it needs -
Self -discipline and
        Self control.
               what we sow in our mind
               we reap in our actions.
Hence now FEED THE MIND--  is the slogan.

Mans mind is  to be fed just as much as their bodies. The kind of food our mind takes , will determine the  kind of person we become..
Mind should be fed with healthy food and not with dangerous drugs and poisons.
 Such a mental discipline reveals...
                Not only what we should be
                   But what by Gods grace
                               we already are....
Train your mind within Gods framework....     then you have less tendency to wander away in darkness....

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

concentrate on results and not on activities:

concentrate on results and not on activities:
          try to use simple time management skills.
                        WORK YOUR PLAN
you need to create a P O A  --  plan of action ( things to be done -their outcome-required time to complete-dead line etc) and  remember....
                                        Time management is Life management.
  learn to train your mind
                                .mind acts as a door to life and it shapes a person's thoughts to control their actions.
God made man In his own image.. in DIVINE likeness is HIS capacity to think
only man has what the HOLY BIBLE calls " UNDERSTANDING"
The noblest function of man's mind is to listen to GODS WORD......THINK.... AND  ACT....

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Train your Mind

 you begin with the end in mind.
The winning attitude leads to success.
success is not an accident. Steven Covey advocates that.. you begin with the end in mind....
we are too busy or lazy to think on these lines... sit and think...

  • where we are? 
  • whats our purpose? 
  • whats expected of us? 
  • where we want to go? 
  • how we should go about? etc         now the media influence on the kids  and young minds, turns the youth as 'media -messaged  mind.                        such a mind need s training

 The wavering mind should be trained  .... needs a dose of SMART  treatment

  5. T-TIME-BOUND..... see the end result in your minds eye. 

get started with smart card
 remember what the mind can perceive it can achieve.... (to be cond )

Monday, 4 July 2011

Train your Mind

                                                          TRAIN YOUR MIND
In the hi-tech  competitive era, Success is a matter of attitude.

  • a matter of what you are capable of ...
  • a matter of futuristic thinking and effective planning...
  • its about doing things meticulously and systematically....
  • its about positive attitude.....
  • and about believing strongly that 
  • "IF YOU THINK...     
  •                     YOU CAN, 
  •                          YOU ARE RIGHT.
  • what you need is the        WINNING      ATTITUDE.....embedded in the mind.
  • Of course it requires... 
  • the personal power
  • mental stamina to produce necessary results...( to be cond..)
nothing can come near to GODS creation in the whole world....
flowers @kodaikanal tamil nadu

what is value?

  • values are traits or qualities that are worthwhile.
  •  they  represent your highest priorities, a strong driving force.--ambition- competency-individuality-intrgrity-responsibility-respect-dedication-diversity-loyality-credibility-honesty-teamwork-excellence-empowerment-quality-dignity-empathy-courage-wisdom-security-friendliness-discipline-generosity-persistence-optimism-dependability-flexibility---etc--the list is endless
  • Values provide stability and a good feel to boost your self esteem