Tuesday, 16 August 2011



The moment you are in TENSION

 You will   loose   ATTENTION,

Then you are in total CONFUSION,

And you will feel IRRITATION,

Then you spoil personal RELATION,

Ultimately you won’t get CO OPERATION,

Then there will be  in COMPLICATION,

Then your BP may also rise CAUTION,

And you have to take MEDICATION,

Instead understand the SITUATION,

And try to think about a SOLUTION,

Many problems will be solved by DISCUSSION,

This will work out better in your PROFESSION,

Do not think it is my free SUGGESTION,

It is only your PREVENTON,

If you understand my  INTENTION.

 NB: I came across this statement  and I wanted to share it.
Red Lilly in my garden Tirunelveli Tamil nadu
I am  sure you will learn to be away from tension and stress.