Balance between Work & Family
Here are some ideas that can help you achieve an improved balance between work and family.
Tips for perfect working
- Schedule your a daily ‘to-do’ list and prioritise the tasks.
- Do the most urgent work and do the rest as it demands.
- Break large tasks into smaller parts and do one at a time based on the priority.
- Periodically review your work .
- When feeling prolonged and incomplete , then re-prioritise the work and time logs
- Ask for support when you need it. Do not hesitate.
- Ask for feedback about work and try to change the needed.
- Plan quiet time during the day when you can put your head down and focus on
getting your work done.
· Do not waste your time in the work place.
· Since we are paid we have to contribute, what is expected of us.
- Don’t try to pack too much into one day. Have realistic expectations of what you
can achieve.
- At the end of the day, review your ‘to-do’ list and re-prioritise your work for the
next day.
- Delegate work. do not over stuff you.
- Because circumstances may change- don’t be afraid to re-negotiate
expectations and flexible arrangements may be required.
- Remember always - if your home front is well organised, you will be more effective at work too.
· Tips to manage your home and its duties
· Plan, shop and prepare meals in advance when possible, making it easier to attend to when you get home. Consider shopping online to save time.
- Keep a family calendar to schedule holidays, events, appointments and other important times .you can plan work and other family commitments around these dates.
- Establish a family routine and encourage the family members to share the household chores.
- Get help when you need it for the chores you can’t find time for. Eliminate unnecessary chores.
- Make time to relax. Reward yourself with the things that you enjoy doing in your personal time. It include walking the dog once a week, going to yoga
- Don’t do too much and run yourself worn out, lean on your partner and family to help you when things get really hectic.
- Look for ways to manage your working week more simply, e.g. allocate a day a week that you have a takeaway dinner, or do the shopping.
- Prepare yourself and the children the night before for the day ahead e.g. packing lunch, preparing clothes to wear etc.
- Plan nice things to do with your family on days off work, something to look forward to for both you and your children.
- Find time to exercise. Even a 20 minute walk twice a week can work wonders. This can be done to and from work, during lunch or with the family when you get home.