Saturday, 24 September 2011

Balance between Work & Family

Balance between Work & Family
Here are some ideas that can help you achieve an improved balance between work and family.

Tips for perfect working
  • Schedule your a daily ‘to-do’ list and prioritise the tasks.
  • Do the most urgent work and do the rest as it demands.
  • Break large tasks into smaller parts and do one at a time based on the priority.
  • Periodically review your work .
  • When feeling prolonged and incomplete , then re-prioritise  the work and time logs
  • Ask for support when you need it. Do not hesitate.
  •  Ask for  feedback about  work and try to change the needed.
  • Plan quiet time during the day when you can put your head down and focus on
getting your work done.
·         Do not waste your time in the work place.
·         Since we are paid we have to contribute, what is expected of us.
  • Don’t try to pack too much into one day. Have realistic expectations of what you
can achieve.
  • At the end of the day, review your ‘to-do’ list and re-prioritise your work for the  
next day.
  • Delegate work. do not over stuff you.
  • Because circumstances  may change- don’t be afraid to re-negotiate
expectations and flexible arrangements may be  required.
  • Remember always  - if  your home front is  well organised, you will be more effective at work too.

·         Tips to manage your home  and its duties
·         Plan, shop and prepare meals in advance when possible, making it easier to attend to when you get home. Consider shopping online to save time.
  • Keep a family calendar to schedule holidays, events, appointments and other important times .you can plan work and other family commitments around these dates.
  • Establish a family routine and  encourage the family members to share the household chores.
  • Get help when you need it for the chores you can’t find time for. Eliminate unnecessary chores.
  • Make time to relax. Reward yourself with the things that you enjoy doing in your personal time. It include walking the dog once a week, going to yoga
  • Don’t do too much and run yourself worn out, lean on your partner and family to help you when things get really hectic.
  • Look for ways to manage your working week more simply, e.g. allocate a day a week that you have a takeaway dinner, or do the shopping.
  • Prepare yourself and the children the night before for the day ahead e.g. packing lunch, preparing clothes to wear etc.
  • Plan nice things to do with your family on days off work, something to look forward to for both you and your children.
  • Find time to exercise. Even a 20 minute walk twice a week can work wonders. This can be done to and from work, during lunch or with the family when you get home.

NB: I have found this interesting and with little plus and minus  I like to share it with you.  hope it is useful .Strike a perfect balance. 

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thought Management

15 September 2011-Thought Management

 Managing thoughts is liberating and a vitalizing experience.
           The problem in managing our thoughts are buried beneath our conscious awareness. We don’t know what they are. Our thought life contains a massive collection of information (beliefs, values, attitudes, opinions, etc.) that we have accumulated through the years and stored away in our minds.
            Think how we use our thoughts to figure things out, analyze problems, plan ahead and make decisions.  We also use our thoughts to avoid doing uncomfortable things, escape from stressful situations, protect ourselves, justify ourselves, make excuses, avoid guilt, etc.

         We go through our lives without knowing how important our moment-to-moment thinking pattern, and its impacts on our happiness and satisfaction. Often we blame situations,circumstances and others.  The simple truth is that we create our lives with our thoughts-either damaging thoughts or positive thoughts.
 What we think , than what we will become.
      According to the AIS, the American Institute of Stress, People have very different ideas with respect to their definition of stress. Probably the most common is, "physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension".

     When we are stressed, we make two main judgments: 
  • First, we feel threatened by the situation, and 
  • second, we  judge whether our capabilities and resources are sufficient to meet the threat.
The degree of stress depends on how much damage it will do us, and how closely our resources meet the demands of the situation.

This, along with other negative thinking, can cause intense stress and unhappiness and can severely undermine our own self-confidence.  

With Thought Management

  • we must Learn ways to change our thoughts. 
  •  Learn what it takes to be a happy .
  • Learn how to make the positive changes we desire and to see the  world with a brighter perception.
 Do this and enjoy Life as it comes.  Relax

  • Identify Your Thoughts
  • Evaluate Your Thoughts
  • Dispute the Wrong Thoughts
  • Substitute New Thoughts
  • Work Out the New Thoughts
  • Pass On the New Thoughts
  • Spread joy  and peace.
This is what the Thought Management could make a great difference in our life.


Beautiful flowers @ Kodaikanal  Tamil Nadu